Contact Me
Working to help others is something I’m passionate about doing. I look forward to answering any questions you might have once you contact me.
With that being said I receive a lot messages through email and social media so please keep your questions short and concise.
The more succinct and clear you are with what you have to ask the quicker I can be with getting back to you.
If you can please try to keep your questions to a couple of paragraphs and number out your points and I’ll respond accordingly.
You Can Also Quickly Contact Me And Readily Get Your Answers This Way As Well…
Another great way for you to contact me is through the comment section at the bottom of my individual blog posts, as well as through my social media channels. This way if you have a training related question and post on these public forums chances are others are going to have the same question and can benefit as well.
Additionally if you are on my blog and social media you may already see where someone could post a question that you may have and therefore get your answer more immediately. This actually happens all the time and often times people end up communicating back and forth in a thread on an article, Facebook, or Instagram post to help one another.
I just want to offer every avenue I can to get you the help you need as quickly as possible.
Contact Me To Send me a question directly…
You can also contact me through my email at brndnrichey@gmail.com. Allow for at least 2 business days for a response.
Or, if you just can’t wait to transform your body, start your smart training today by giving me a call…
Phone: (706) 491-4259
Also For Remote Consulting
If you are not located in the local Atlanta area you can still get individualized programming and help from me directly by taking advantage of my online coaching fitness programs. For more information on this feel free to contact me after reading over that service involving my fitness programs here.
For local inquiries Brandon Richey Fitness service area is the Atlanta and Suwanee, Johns Creek, Cumming, Alpharetta, Sugar Hill, and Buford (Metro-Atlanta Georgia) areas.